Imagine, a world filled with worries, persistent pressure, harsh hardships, traumatic tension, do you prefer what you see? Nobody would encourage to live in a world painted with pulverizing pressure. Still, there is no changing to the fact that your world is nothing but a mere reflection of your imagination.
It is dreadfully demanding to live in a world with worst worries you could ever have. There is always a problem, followed by another and another and another…. The list goes on forever. No solution seems to cross my path, regardless of whichever way I choose. Challenges hit me hard on the face and I am found vulnerable every time they barge through my door. Time is just the cherry on top!! I mean it is hopeless to associate with! It just keeps bolting ahead like a goon on loose! Opportunities are overwhelmingly hard to hold on to. They slip swiftly through my hand like sand. There isn’t a speck of satisfaction in anything, anywhere, anytime. No location of luck. No hope.
I came into this world untroubled, untouched, unworried by the brutal burdens, awful afflictions of adversities additional to the austerities. Alongside them, I was oblivious to the terrifying troubles I will face, or the wearisome work in my way. I was clueless about the vicious vulnerabilities I would have. I had no idea about the compelled choices and the selective amount of advantages I would possess. I was frivolous, carefree, relaxed, in peace. However as Josh Turner rightfully states, “Life is series of punches. It presents a lot challenges, hardships, but the people that are able to move forward are the ones that really do have a lot of stress and joy in their life.”
That, is the exact idea behind my portrait of the world I truly aspire for. Like me, many people may have the same weight of problems, maybe more major obstacles in their roads, despite all that, I kept growing and moving forward. As I grew, more and more troubles barreled along my life. Nonetheless, I aspire for solutions.
Firstly, I dreamt of world without boundaries. For it to be Pangaea, (which means "all lands.") just like before. To be one…United. Think no boundaries for the countries; no limit lines; no restrictions. I wish that independence and intermingling surrounds us. So, that we explore the world with pleasure and peace, not grief and grievance.
Secondly, I color my world with people who are educated, empathetic and sympathetic. Who do not take pleasure in others’ pain; that are glorious, not vicious; who are constitutionally clever and civilized. Thirdly, I hope for a non-obese world. Where people are in good shape. Why? Obviously for the welfare plus wellbeing of the people around me, but also to secure a fit future for everyone. Besides, “Health is Wealth”! Also, riches are not always essential for survival. In fact, extravagance of expenses is not really the exclusive element for existence on Earth. On the other hand, health is. Obesity is an extremely evident trend that trails to death. I shrug on that thought, and long for the world to be finely fit rather than odiously obese.
I yearn for a greener world; a beautiful one rather than barren; filled with flourishing flowers; heavenly crop; palliative plant life to gaze at. It drives all the distress away; contributes towards the stress to sprint past me; soothes the senses. Which, links to my last hope, the wellbeing of our ozone layer. Yes, the ozone layer. Well, the ozone layer is the knight in shining armor for our beloved Earth. It is creditable to be complete instead of being torn into pieces, slowly and sorely.
Basically, I inspire for a safeguarded world, with slender-shaped, sympathetic, stunning people. Now, isn’t that a soothing sketch of a world sculptured in that fashion? It’s quite simple, perceptive and considerate people are the main key to the door of my aspiration actually. It starts with us, as due to our wit- we would be able to make favorable decisions amongst each other- with integrity and intellect. Additionally, we would understand each other’s: worries with compassion and care. This would result in a relaxing world as there would be so much apprehension between us, all the problems will meet extinction. Being in a prosperous state, this would affect our fitness, we will be slim- trim, without effort. Plus, due to our proficient minds, the ozone layer would already be knitted tightly together, as we would be considerate and conspicuous regarding the vicinity, so, that would be sufficient delight for our surroundings too. Perfect! Problems solved! Check! Solution found!!
In reality, nobody… nothing is perfect, but only if we put our drops of effort, then, drop by drop, we will at least complete ¾ of the Earth with our efforts. Right? Think about it.
By Zahra Tambawala 9G
What an absolute treat to read your essay! I especially loved the way you play with language - the alliteration and the similes are very amusing.