On a deadly terrible night the wind was blowing and the trees were howling like werewolves,also the moon was high and there was an enormous gigantic lab seen under the thunderous lightning.
I was a scientist who gathered information on different species: wooly mammoth, dodo etc. In addition to that I wanted to create a unique creature. I planned how the monster would look like, ‘Eureka’, I screamed.
First, I went to the African Savannah and collected the wings of a pelican falcon, and the DNA of a lion. Next I went to China and collected the breath of a dragon. Later, I went to the heart of the world,the Amazon rainforest to collect the DNA of a tiger. Finally I rushed to my time machine and took the teeth of a T Rex, an eye of a cyborg, an eye of a Cyclops and also the horn of the Minotaur.
With all the parts I created a monster. It rose up, I could see his awful talons,his teeth were sharp like nails and knives,his breath of fire was like a boiling sun and his body was rough,his eye of an cyborg had the ability to shoot lasers and deadly missiles.
He pounced on me like a lion. I decided to change his mind and made him eco friendly. I trained him, he was ready to protect the environment. He flew to the space and had the power to shine like a sun that caused the plants to undergo photosynthesis at a faster rate and grow more easily.
God Zeus didn’t like this because he didn’t want plants and lush gardens on earth, so he summoned Vilgax who had a head of a squid and the body of a cyborg and it had the same powers like Stegga Baddy. Meanwhile Staggy Baddy had impressed every single human with his actions.The day came when Vilgax and Stegga Baddy came face to face, the battle had started. Vilgax was destroying every single thing but when the plants were set on fire, Stegga Baddy pounced on this awful squid head monster (a destructor with a mean heart) to teach him a lesson,but Vilgax suddenly shot deadly missiles and lasers at Stegga Baddy. Baddy escaped. In no time Stegga Baddy hit the creature with the fiery ball and it was the end of Vilgax. The people shouted on top of their voice our hero is you.”
Zeus couldn’t stand that moment and so he aimed a blazing arrow at Stegga Baddy: a true hero, the environment friendly monster met his end.
By Qusai Calcattawala
Well, Stegga Baddy is really a Goody! And he is made of bits and pieces from all over - so I should say that he represents the good in all of us.